[Python-ideas] Order in the documentation search results

Ned Batchelder ned at nedbatchelder.com
Sun Dec 30 19:11:06 CET 2012

On 12/30/2012 12:54 PM, Hernan Grecco wrote:
> Hi,
> I have seen many people new to Python stumbling while using the Python
> docs due to the order of the search results.
> For example, if somebody new to python searches for  `tuple`, the
> actual section about `tuple` comes in place 39. What is more confusing
> for people starting with the language is that all the C functions come
> first. I have seen people clicking in PyTupleObject just to be totally
> disoriented.
> Maybe `tuple` is a silly example. But if somebody wants to know how
> does `open` behaves and which arguments it takes, the result comes in
> position 16. `property` does not appear in the list at all (but
> built-in appears in position 31). This is true for most builtins.
> Experienced people will have no trouble navigating through these
> results, but new users do. It is not terrible and at the end they get
> it, but I think it would be nice to change it to more (new) user
> friendly order.
> So my suggestion is to put the builtins first, the rest of the
> standard lib later including HowTos, FAQ, etc and finally the
> c-modules. Additionally, a section with a title matching exactly the
> search query should come first. (I am not sure if the last suggestion
> belongs in python-ideas or in
> the sphinx mailing list, please advice)

While we're on the topic, why in this day and age do we have a custom 
search?  Using google site search would be faster for the user, and more 


> Thanks,
> Hernan
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