[Python-ideas] Dynamic code NOPing

Victor Stinner victor.stinner at gmail.com
Mon Dec 31 03:00:08 CET 2012

If you mark constant.DEBUG as constant and compile your project with
astoptimizer, enable_debug has no effect (if it was compiled with

So only use it if DEBUG will not be changed at runtime. It cannot be used
if your users might run your applucation in debug mode.

To compare it to the C language, DEBUG would be a #define and astoptimizer
can be see as a preprocessor.

Le 30 déc. 2012 11:59, "Stefan Behnel" <stefan_ml at behnel.de> a écrit :

> Victor Stinner, 30.12.2012 11:42:
> > My astoptimizer provides tools to really *remove* debug at compilation,
> so
> > the overhead of the debug code is just null.
> >
> > You can for example declare your variable project.config.DEBUG as
> constant
> > with the value 0, where project.config is a module. So the if statement
> in
> > "from project.config import DEBUG ... if DEBUG: ..." will be removed.
> How would you know at compile time that it can be removed? How do you
> handle the example below?
> Stefan
> ## constants.py
> DEBUG = False
> ## enable_debug.py
> import constants
> constants.DEBUG = True
> ## test.py
> import enable_debug
> from constants import DEBUG
> if DEBUG:
>     print("DEBUGGING !")
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