[Python-ideas] itertools.chunks(iterable, size, fill=None)

Stephen J. Turnbull stephen at xemacs.org
Fri Jul 6 11:22:03 CEST 2012

Mike Meyer writes:

 > Python-dev i'm not familiar enough with to formulate an opinion,
 > but I think it could work well for python-ideas.

You're missing the point.  Improving the FAQ for python-*list* is a
great idea, but Mr. techtonik proposes a FAQ for python-*ideas*.  IOW,
if the question is actually on-topic, the answers are reasons why
something isn't going to ever be in Python.

True, often the explanation of why a proposed feature is inappropriate
is of the form "this three-line function does the job", but if the
question is really a FAQ, it presumably has been asked multiple times
on python-list, and should be picked up there.

 > This worked very well for the FreeBSD FAQ, which is a fairly large
 > document.

No, it didn't.  The FreeBSD FAQ is quite obviously not oriented to
telling developers what isn't going to go into the next version of
FreeBSD and why not.

If people want to move ahead with this discussion, it really ought to
move to python-list IMO.

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