[Python-ideas] itertools recipes: why not add them to the stdlib *somewhere*?

Jürgen A. Erhard jae+python at jaerhard.com
Fri Jul 6 20:14:04 CEST 2012

I just now ran into (since learning about the recipes) having use for
a recipe (then I found out that I can't use it anyway, but that's a
different thing)

So... I consider it very strange and annoying that there's this code.
Ready to use.  But you have to copy-and-paste it into your code
*somewhere* instead of easily importing it.

As to the "it makes using Python harder to learn", I beg to
differ: an addition to the *language* (like, say, metaclasses) *can*
make it more complicated.  But additions to the stdlib?  What about
"batteries included"?  Not a motto anymore (I heard rumors, so maybe
that's the case)

Putting these in some official(!) iterutils (or name it what you want)
package would be a solution for so many people.  Yes, not everyone
needs grouper's current functionality.  But for the many who do, it'd
be there already.  And someone thought those recipes are useful,
didn't you?  So why not make them more easily available?

And then there's Alex Martelli at
http://stackoverflow.com/a/1641242/238406, and I agree with him

Bye, J

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