[Python-ideas] itertools recipes: why not add them to the stdlib *somewhere*?

Terry Reedy tjreedy at udel.edu
Tue Jul 10 03:52:55 CEST 2012

On 7/9/2012 6:45 PM, Devin Jeanpierre wrote:
> No, I am suggesting that example code that exists in the documentation
> is supported.

Well, in the sense that we try to make sure that they work as advertised 
*with the example data*, yes. However, that is the end of the support. 
Examples are just examples, put there to illustrate a didactic point. 
They are often simplified to serve the specific purpose. They are not 
intended to be production code, and they are not supported as that. 
Error handling is eliminated for clarity.# The api has not necessarily 
been thought through very well and is subject to change.# The multiple 
examples are not particularly meant to work together.

#Whereas, for example, the new in 3.3 ipaddress module, while based on 
existing 3rd party code, has had its api reexamined to make sure it well 
defined, documented, and something we will (likely) stick with. Nick has 
added a lot of error checking code with messages that try to say what is 
wrong rather than just 'you goofed'. And oh yes, the test suite has been 
expanded and reviewed with an aim to 100% coverage.

Terry Jan Reedy

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