[Python-ideas] Explanation on how to search the archives

Christopher Reay christopherreay at gmail.com
Tue Jul 10 09:58:31 CEST 2012

Im thinking something like:

Python-ideas mailing list
Python-ideas at python.org
How to Search the Archives:
Searching the archives is the *first* place you should go when exploring
new ideas. They are full of (mostly!) excellent ideas, as well as showing
how to explain your idea well, and helping you to not reinvent the wheel...
or the tabloid. Please search for relevant keywords around your idea before
posting to python-ideas. Thanks!

As the footer of the emails.

This is a small addition which provides some great meta information to
"people with great ideas" and also allows a terse and simple response when
a veteran detects a repeated idea.


Be prepared to have your predictions come true
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