[Python-ideas] How can I get own instance of generator in itself code

David Townshend aquavitae69 at gmail.com
Mon Jul 23 09:07:01 CEST 2012

> Could you elaborate on how the PEP and the "idea" materially differed?

IIRC, this was explained quite well in the thread I linked to.  Basically
the idea of accessing functions objects from within the function was fine,
but the PEP didn't adequately answer all the questions it should have and
tried to cover three ideas in one.  To quote the rejection notice from the

    This PEP is rejected.  It is not clear how it should be
    implemented or what the precise semantics should be in edge cases,
    and there aren't enough important use cases given.  response has
    been lukewarm at best.

>  I would hardly describe mucking around with frame objects as "nice"
> (particularly compared against a dedicated keyword), so I would not
> say that it implements the same idea; though, to be sure, what the
> patch accomplishes is related, still useful, and could be used to
> power the implementation of something like the PEP.

Agreed, but it is a good start.

> Please avoid top-posting in the future :)

Sorry about that - tends to happen when I reply on my phone if I'm not
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