[Python-ideas] Replacing the standard IO streams (was Re: changing sys.stdout encoding)

MRAB python at mrabarnett.plus.com
Sun Jun 10 22:28:14 CEST 2012

On 10/06/2012 21:07, Paul Moore wrote:
> On 10 June 2012 20:01, MRAB<python at mrabarnett.plus.com>  wrote:
>>  On 10/06/2012 19:34, Paul Moore wrote:
>>>  On 10 June 2012 19:12, MRAB<python at mrabarnett.plus.com>    wrote:
>>>>    On 10/06/2012 17:41, Stephen J. Turnbull wrote:
>>>>>    I am a little concerned with MRAB's report that
>>>>>        import sys
>>>>>        print("hello")
>>>>>        sys.stdout.flush()
>>>>>        sys.stdout = open(sys.stdout.fileno(), 'w', encoding='utf-8')
>>>>>        print("hello")
>>>>>    doesn't work as expected, though.  (It does work for me on Mac OS X,
>>>>>    both as above -- of course there are no '\r's in the output -- and
>>>>>    with 'print("hello", end="\r\n")'.)
>>>>    That's actually Python 3.1. From Python 3.2 it's slightly different,
>>>>    but still not quite right:
>>>>    Python 3.1:     "hello\r\nhello\r\r\n"
>>>>    Python 3.2:     "hello\nhello\r\n"
>>>>    Python 3.3.0a4: "hello\nhello\r\n"
>>>>    All on Windows.
>>>  Not here (Win 7 32-bit):
>>>  PS D:\Data>    type t.py
>>>  import sys
>>>  print("Hello!")
>>>  sys.stdout.flush()
>>>  sys.stdout = open(sys.stdout.fileno(), 'w', encoding='utf-8')
>>>  print("Hello!")
>>>  PS D:\Data>    py -3.2 t.py | od -c
>>>  0000000   H   e   l   l   o   !  \r  \n   H   e   l   l   o   !  \r  \n
>>>  0000020
>>  I'm using Windows XP Pro (32-bit), initially sys.stdout.encoding ==
>>  "cp1252".
> PS D:\Data>  py -3 -c "import sys; print(sys.stdout.encoding)"
> cp850
> This is at the console (Powershell) - are you running from within
> something like idle, or a GUI environment?
It's at the system command prompt. When I redirect the script's stdout 
to a file
(on the command line using ">output.txt") I get those 15 bytes from 
Python 3.2.

Your output appears to be 32 bytes (the second line starts with

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