[Python-ideas] PEP 4XX: Adding sys.implementation

Barry Warsaw barry at python.org
Wed May 2 00:25:29 CEST 2012

On Apr 30, 2012, at 09:22 PM, Eric Snow wrote:

>Perhaps I should clarify "Other Possible Values" in the PEP?  I'd
>intended it as a list of meaningful names, most of which others had
>suggested, that could be considered at some later point.  That's part
>of why I didn't develop the descriptions there too much.  Rather, I
>wanted to focus on the two primary names for now.
>Should those potential names be considered more seriously right now?
>I was hoping to keep it light to start out, just the things we'd use

I think you could keep it light (but +1 for adding cache_tag now).

I'd suggest making it clear that neither the keys, values, nor semantics are
actually being proposed in this PEP.  The PEP could just include some examples
for future additions (and thus de-emphasize that section of the PEP).

It might be helpful to describe a mechanism by which future values would be
added to sys.implementation.  E.g. is a new PEP required for each?  (I don't
have an opinion on that right now. :)

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