[Python-ideas] Should range() == range(0)?

Devin Jeanpierre jeanpierreda at gmail.com
Mon May 7 01:52:00 CEST 2012

On Sun, May 6, 2012 at 5:24 PM, Terry Reedy <tjreedy at udel.edu> wrote:
> Another advantage of doing this, beside consistency, is that it would
> emphasize that range() produces a re-iterable sequence, not just an
> iterator.

How? The empty sequence is the exact case where reiterable objects and
iterators have identical iteration behavior. (Both immediately stop
every time you try.)

> Possible objections and responses:
> 1. This would slightly complicate the already messy code and doc for
> range().
> Pass, for now

By this, do you mean don't write new documentation? That just defers
the problem to later.

> 3. There is little or no use case.
> The justification I have seen for all the other classes behaving as they do
> is expressions like type(x)(), which gets the null object corresponding to
> x. This requires a parameterless call rather than a literal (or display) or
> call with typed arg.
> A proper objection this sort would have to argue that range() is less useful
> than all 12+ cases that we have now.

Most of the other types are useful as parameters to something such as
collections.defaultdict. In the case of range, why not use tuple for

Although, I actually like this idea, because it feels more consistent.
I imagine that isn't a good reason to like things though.

-- Devin

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