[Python-ideas] Printf function?

Carl M. Johnson cmjohnson.mailinglist at gmail.com
Sun May 13 05:37:54 CEST 2012

On May 12, 2012, at 3:50 PM, Cameron Simpson wrote:

> Observe my Python 3.2:
>  [/home/cameron]janus*> python3.2
>  Python 3.2.2 (default, May  2 2012, 09:04:59) 
>  [GCC 4.5.3] on linux2
>  Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>>> x=1.5
>>>> print("%10.2f" % x)
>        1.50
> Printf isn't needed.

Well, if that's the solution, why do we even have .format in the first place? I know there are a lot of people who still prefer % formatting, but I personally never liked it, and I prefer not to use it if I have any choice about it. But that's neither here nor there. My question is, being that we have .format, why not make it easier to use?

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