[Python-ideas] stdlib crowdsourcing

Nick Coghlan ncoghlan at gmail.com
Tue May 29 08:02:25 CEST 2012

Once again, you're completely ignoring all existing knowledge and
expertise on open collaboration and trying to reinvent the world. It's
*not going to happen*.

The standard library is just the curated core, and *yes*, it's damn
hard to get anything added to it (deliberately so). There's a place
where anyone can post anything they want, and see if others find it
useful: PyPI.

The standard library provides tools to upload to PyPI, and, as of 3.3,
will even include tools to download and install from it.

If you don't like our ecosystem (it's hard to tell whether or not you
do: everything you post is about how utterly awful and unusable
everything is, yet you're still here years later).

If you think the PyPI UI is awful or inadequate, follow the example of
crate.io or pythonpackage.com and *create your own*. There's far more
to the Python universe than just core development, stop trying to
shoehorn everything into a place where it doesn't belong.


Nick Coghlan   |   ncoghlan at gmail.com   |   Brisbane, Australia

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