[Python-ideas] Propagating StopIteration value

Oscar Benjamin oscar.j.benjamin at gmail.com
Tue Oct 9 01:24:47 CEST 2012

On 8 October 2012 00:36, Guido van Rossum <guido at python.org> wrote:
> On Sun, Oct 7, 2012 at 3:43 PM, Oscar Benjamin
> <oscar.j.benjamin at gmail.com> wrote:
>> I think what Serhiy is saying is that although pep 380 mainly
>> discusses generator functions it has effectively changed the
>> definition of what it means to be an iterator for all iterators:
>> previously an iterator was just something that yielded values but now
>> it also returns a value. Since the meaning of an iterator has changed,
>> functions that work with iterators need to be updated.
> I think there are different philosophical viewpoints possible on that
> issue. My own perspective is that there is no change in the definition
> of iterator -- only in the definition of generator. Note that the
> *ability* to attach a value to StopIteration is not new at all.

I guess I'm viewing it from the perspective that an ordinary iterator
is simply an iterator that happens to return None just like a function
that doesn't bother to return anything. If I understand correctly,
though, it is possible for any iterator to return a value that yield
from would propagate, so the feature (returning a value) is not
specific to generators.

>> This feature was new in Python 3.3 which was released a week ago
> It's been in alpha/beta/candidate for a long time, and PEP 380 was
> first discussed in 2009.
>> so it is not widely used but it has uses that are not anything to do with
>> coroutines.
> Yes, as a shortcut for "for x in <iterator>: yield x". Note that the
> for-loop ignores the value in the StopIteration -- would you want to
> change that too?

Not really. I thought about how it could be changed. Once APIs are
available that use this feature to communicate important information,
use cases will arise for using the same APIs outside of a coroutine
context. I'm not really sure how you could get the value from a for
loop. I guess it would have to be tied to the else clause in some way.

>> As an example of how you could use it, consider parsing a
>> file that can contains #include statements. When the #include
>> statement is encountered we need to insert the contents of the
>> included file. This is easy to do with a recursive generator. The
>> example uses the return value of the generator to keep track of which
>> line is being parsed in relation to the flattened output file:
>> def parse(filename, output_lineno=0):
>>     with open(filename) as fin:
>>         for input_lineno, line in enumerate(fin):
>>             if line.startswith('#include '):
>>                 subfilename = line.split()[1]
>>                 output_lineno = yield from parse(subfilename, output_lineno)
>>             else:
>>                 try:
>>                     yield parse_line(line)
>>                 except ParseLineError:
>>                     raise ParseError(filename, input_lineno, output_lineno)
>>                 output_lineno += 1
>>     return output_lineno
> Hm. This example looks constructed to prove your point... It would be
> easier to count the output lines in the caller. Or you could use a
> class to hold that state. I think it's just a bad habit to start using
> the return value for this purpose. Please use the same approach as you
> would before 3.3, using "yield from" just as the shortcut I mentione
> above.

I'll admit that the example is contrived but it's to think about how
to use the new feature rather than to prove a point (Otherwise I would
have contrived a reason for wanting to use filter()). I just wanted to
demonstrate that people can (and will) use this outside of a coroutine

Also I envisage something like this being a common use case. The
'yield from' expression can only provide information to its immediate
caller by returning a value attached to StopIteration or be raising a
different type of exception. There will be many cases where people
want to get some information about what was yielded/done by 'yield
from' at the point where it is used.


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