[Python-ideas] The async API of the future: Twisted and Deferreds

Richard Oudkerk shibturn at gmail.com
Sat Oct 13 01:39:21 CEST 2012

On 12/10/2012 11:11pm, Guido van Rossum wrote:
> Using Futures and generator coroutines, I would do it as follows. I'm
> hypothesizing that for every blocking API foo() there is a
> corresponding non-blocking API foo_async() with the same call
> signature, and returning a Future whose result is what the synchronous
> API returns (and raises what the synchronous call would raise, if
> there's an error). These are the conventions I use in NDB. I'm also
> inventing a @task decorator.
>   @task
>   def view_paste_async(request, filekey):
>      # Create Futures -- no yields!
>      f1 = Pastes.objects.get_async(key=filekey) # This won't raise
>      f2 = loader.get_template_async('pastebin/error.html')
>      f3 = loader.get_template_async('pastebin/paste.html')
>      try:
>          fileinfo= yield f1
>      except DoesNotExist:
>          t = yield f2
>          return HttpResponse(t.render(Context(dict(error='File does not
> exist'))))
>      f = yield open_async(fileinfo.filename)
>      fcontents = yield f.read_async()
>      t = yield f3
>      return HttpResponse(t.render(Context(dict(file=fcontents))))

So would the futures be registered with the reactor as soon as they are 
created, or only when they are yielded?  I can't see how there can be 
any "concurrency" if they don't start till they are yielded.  It would 
be like doing

    t1 = Thread(target=f1)
    t2 = Thread(target=f2)
    t3 = Thread(target=f3)

But if the futures are registered immediately with the reactor then does 
that mean there is a singleton reactor?  That seems rather inflexible.


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