[Python-ideas] The async API of the future: Some thoughts from an ignorant Tornado user

Laurens Van Houtven _ at lvh.cc
Sun Oct 14 18:11:38 CEST 2012

On Sun, Oct 14, 2012 at 6:03 PM, Daniel McDougall <
daniel.mcdougall at liftoffsoftware.com> wrote:

> deferToThread() does what one would expect but in many situations I'd
> prefer something like deferToMultiprocessing().

Twisted sort of has that with ampoule. The main issue is that arbitrary
object serialization is pretty much impossible. Within threads, you
sidestep that issue completely; across processes, you have to do deal with
serialization, leading to the issues with pickle you've mentioned.

I would prefer something more generic.

So maybe something like is popular in JS, where you subscribe to events by
some string identifier? I personally use and like AngularJS' $broadcast,
$emit and $on -- quite nice, but depedant on a hierarchical structure that
seems to be missing here.

> --
> Dan McDougall - Chief Executive Officer and Developer
> Liftoff Software ✈ Your flight to the cloud is now boarding.

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