[Python-ideas] yield from multiple iterables (was Re: The async API of the future: yield-from)

Christian Tismer tismer at stackless.com
Mon Oct 15 10:24:53 CEST 2012

On 15.10.12 07:34, Greg Ewing wrote:
> Christian Tismer wrote:
>> My approach would be to first find out how async operations should
>> be modelled the best under the assumption that we have a coroutine
>> concept that works without headaches about yielding in and out from
>> something to whatnot.
> I think we already know that. People like Dijkstra and Hoare
> figured it all out decades ago.
> That's what my generator-oriented approach is based on --
> using standard techniques for managing concurrency.

Sure, the theory is clear and well-known.
Not so clear is which of the concepts to implement to
what detail, and things like the C10K problem still are a challenge
to solve efficiently for Python.


I think it is necessary to take these considerations into account
at least and to think about updating large sets of waiting
channels efficiently, using appropriate data structures.

>> After that is settled and gets consensus, then I would think about
>> bearable patterns to implement that using generators. And when we
>> know what we really need, maybe considering more suitable Syntax.
> Given that we don't want to use OS threads or greenlets,
> but we're happy to use generators, all that's left is to
> find bearable patterns for doing so.

Question: Is it already given that something like greenlets is out
of consideration? I did not find a final say on that (but I'm bad at

Is the whole discussion about what would be best, or just
"you can choose any implementation provided it's generators" ? :-)

cheers - Chris

Christian Tismer             :^)   <mailto:tismer at stackless.com>
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