[Python-ideas] yield from multiple iterables (was Re: The async API of the future: yield-from)

Mark Shannon mark at hotpy.org
Fri Oct 19 23:15:38 CEST 2012

On 19/10/12 13:55, Christian Tismer wrote:
> Hi Nick,
> On 16.10.12 03:49, Nick Coghlan wrote:
>> On Tue, Oct 16, 2012 at 10:44 AM, Greg Ewing
>> <greg.ewing at canterbury.ac.nz> wrote:
>>> My original implementation of yield-from actually *did* avoid
>>> this, by keeping a C-level pointer chain of yielding-from frames.
>>> But that part was ripped out at the last minute when someone
>>> discovered that it had a detrimental effect on tracebacks.
>>> There are probably other ways the traceback problem could be
>>> fixed, so maybe we will get this optimisation back one day.
>> Ah, I thought I remembered something along those lines. IIRC, it was a
>> bug report on one of the alphas that prompted us to change it.
> I was curious and searched quite a lot.
> It was v3.3.0a1 from 2012-03-15 as a reaction to #14230 and #14220
> from Marc Shannon, patched by Benjamin.
> Now I found the original implementation. That looks very much
> as I'm thinking it should be.
> Quite a dramatic change which works well, but really seems to remove
> what I would call "now I can emulate most of Stackless" efficiently.
> Maybe I should just try to think it would be implemented as before,
> build an abstraction and just use it for now.
> I will spend my time at PyCon de for sprinting on "yield from".

The current implementation may not be much slower than Greg's original 
version. One of the main costs of making a call is the creation of a new 
frame. But calling into a generator does not need a new frame, so the 
cost will be reduced.
Unless anyone has evidence to the contrary :)

Rather than increasing the performance of this special case, I would 
suggest that improving the performance of calls & returns in general 
would be a more worthwhile goal.
Calls and returns ought to be cheap.


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