[Python-ideas] Interest in seeing sh.py in the stdlib

Christian Tismer tismer at stackless.com
Mon Oct 22 14:01:38 CEST 2012

On 22.10.12 13:52, Christian Tismer wrote:
> On 22.10.12 04:40, Andrew Moffat wrote:
>> The main criticism has been the cleverness of the dynamic lookups. 
>>  There is also the ability to use a Command object for more explicit 
>> calls:
>> cmd = sh.Command("/some/command")
>> cmd(arg)
>> So you have the best of both worlds.  If you like the idea of the 
>> programs being attributes on the module, you can use the advertised 
>> way, if you don't, you can use the more explicit way.
>> Windows support would be a little more difficult.  It existed in an 
>> old version of sh, when it was merely a wrapper around the subprocess 
>> module.  Now that sh.py no longer relies on the subprocess module and 
>> does fork-exec itself (in order to get more flexible access to the 
>> processes), Windows is currently unsupported.  My current 
>> understanding is that most of the value comes from the linux/OSX 
>> folks, but Windows support is scheduled for the future.
> This is what I don't like:
> subprocess is not used, but you implement stuff yourself.
> Instead of bypassing subprocess I would improve subprocess
> and not duplicate the windows problem, which is most of the
> time _not_ easy to get right.
> Can you explain why you went this path?

Sorry, while we are at it:
The package name is a problem for me.
A two-character name for a package??
That is something that I would never do in the global package namespace.
It also is IMHO not nice to have such short names in PyPI.

Christian Tismer             :^)   <mailto:tismer at stackless.com>
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