[Python-ideas] Support data: URLs in urllib

Mathias Panzenböck grosser.meister.morti at gmx.net
Wed Oct 31 06:02:52 CET 2012

Sometimes it would be handy to read data:-urls just like any other url. While it is pretty easy to 
parse a data: url yourself I think it would be nice if urllib could do this for you.

Example data url parser:

 >>> import base64
 >>> import urllib.parse
 >>> def read_data_url(url):
 >>> 	scheme, data = url.split(":")
 >>> 	assert scheme == "data", "unsupported scheme: "+scheme
 >>> 	mimetype, data = data.split(",")
 >>> 	if mimetype.endswith(";base64"):
 >>> 		return mimetype[:-7] or None, base64.b64decode(data.encode("UTF-8"))
 >>> 	else:
 >>> 		return mimetype or None, urllib.parse.unquote(data).encode("UTF-8")

See also:


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