[Python-ideas] syntax to continue into the next subsequent except block
V James Powell
py.vjp at vivekpowell.com
Thu Sep 20 17:22:30 CEST 2012
> I think it would be useful if there was a way to skip into the next except
> block, perhaps with continue as I think it's currently always illegal to use
> in an except block. I don't believe there's currently a way to do this.
I would like to share that the original suggestion inspired me on the following
V James Powell
switch = lambda val: type('', (BaseException,), {'val': val})()
case = lambda pred: type('', (type,), {'__subclasscheck__':
staticmethod(lambda x: pred(x.val))})('',(BaseException,),{})
default = BaseException
#x = '%s'
x = 12
try:raise switch(x)
except case( lambda x: x % 2 == 0 ):
print "It's even!"
except case( lambda x: x % 2 == 1 ):
print "It's odd!"
except default:
print "It's a joke!"
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