[Python-ideas] Reviving PEP 3140 - "str(container) should call str(item), not repr(item)"

Piotr Dobrogost p at google-groups-2013.dobrogost.net
Thu Apr 4 23:57:38 CEST 2013


Having str(container) calling str(item) and not repr(item) sounds like the
right thing to do. However, PEP 3140 was rejected on the basis of the
following statement of Guido:

"Let me just save everyone a lot of time and say that I'm opposed to
this change, and that I believe that it would cause way too much
disturbance to be accepted this close to beta."

Thu, 29 May 2008 12:32:04

Does anyone know what's the reason Guido was opposed to this change?
Is there any chance to revive this PEP?

Piotr Dobrogost
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