[Python-ideas] Specificity in AttributeError

Greg Ewing greg.ewing at canterbury.ac.nz
Sun Apr 28 04:12:25 CEST 2013

Masklinn wrote:
> 1. __getattr__ is not implemented on object, thus implementing __getattr__
>    in an inheritance hierarchy (where an other object in an MRO may also
>    have implemented __getattr__) requires boilerplate

The same applies to any other special method that object
doesn't implement. What is it about __getattr__ that makes
it deserving of this treatment?

> I was wondering if it wouldn't be possible to add __getattr__ to object,
> which would return NotImplemented.  And NotImplemented would be interpreted
> by the attribute resolution process as "raise the normal AttributeError"

That would make it impossible for NotImplemented
to be the value of any attribute of anything.


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