[Python-ideas] Remove tty module

random832 at fastmail.us random832 at fastmail.us
Sat Aug 3 05:03:35 CEST 2013

Eh, and everyone _insists_ it's a good idea not to have reply-to

On Fri, Aug 2, 2013, at 19:18, Andrew Barnert wrote:
> On Aug 2, 2013, at 13:05, random832 at fastmail.us wrote:
> > Why would it be less portable? Right now, we have curses, which only
> > works on unix.
> Because curses isn't available on every platform termios is.

Once again, I'm not suggesting _actually using curses_, I'm talking
about implementing basic functionality from scratch, using just
terminfo/termcap data. And I don't know what you think is hard about
getting the screen width... it's just in an environment variable (it's
handling resize events that is complicated, but we could simply not
handle them on systems where it doesn't work by the known mechanisms)

Reading $COLUMNS is not hard. Sending escape sequences is not hard.
99.99% of apps on 99.99% of terminals don't need anything else in terms
of actual output to the terminal.

> And it isn't appropriate for every use case where termios is. (For the
> most dramatic case, getch makes sense on a serial line; gotoxy does
> not. But even on an actual terminal, there are many cases where you
> don't want to take over the terminal, break scrollback, etc.)

I don't get what you think that "taking over the terminal" actually
involves. And that wouldn't happen unless those functions are actually
called, anyway. You wouldn't have to go into that mode just to use
getch. like I said, except for echo, input is independent of output, and
screen manipulation functions are purely an output thing.

Also, getch doesn't really make sense on a non-terminal because its
meaning is tied up with the terminal line discipline. On a non-terminal
you would use os.read. getch is all about turning on cbreak and turning
off echo before calling read, then changing it back after.

> > Implementing a simple set of functions for both unix and
> > windows is more portable.
> Sure, but implementing an even simpler set of functions that works on a
> broader range of unix plus windows and can be used in a broader range of
> cases is even _more_ portable.

I don't know why you are arguing against implementing these other
functions. They don't affect the functions you want to implement.

> And of course it's also simpler, meaning less coding, less debugging,
> less bikeshedding, etc. 
> > I am thinking in terms of "implement core functionality for multiple
> > platforms, then implement anything more complex on top of that in pure
> > python" - this necessarily means duplicating some of the work that
> > curses does now for unix systems. What's wrong with this approach?
> Well, duplicating the work of curses instead of just using curses may
> well be a mistake. 

curses isn't available on windows. The best curses-like implementation
available for windows doesn't use the console. There is _nothing_
cross-platform available right now. And curses is overkill for
_precisely_ the reasons you think it's necessary - because it requires
you to take over the screen and use its special input functions if you
want to do any cursor movement.

> But otherwise, there's nothing wrong with this; it's just a potentially
> (and, I think, desirably) separate idea from implementing basic raw
> terminal I/O.

I don't see why they shouldn't go in the same module.

> As I said before, I think we ultimately may want three packages:
>  * a raw console I/O package

You keep saying "raw I/O", but this functionality is all about input.
There's no "O" in your I/O.

> Only if it thinks your terminal is UTF-8. Which it shouldn't.

I see it as an extension of the win32 issue with surrogate pairs - some
terminal environments may not provide validation for pasted data (or for
something like a "stuff" keybinding on screen), so even when it's
supposed to be UTF-8 the next byte may never come. But it's _something_
that's misconfigured, so it's a low priority.

> But people writing conio-style code today are using either msvcrt or
> libraries like python-conio, where it _is_ a problem.

It's still not the same problem. If you type a genuine multibyte
character, like in shift-JIS or something, then the second byte is
available immediately even though you read it in another call, just like
what we're talking about on unix. There's never an "orphan lead byte"
like I was saying, where the trail byte might block or might never come.
The fact that it's a second call is immaterial.

> >> What about cbreak mode? It's a useful thing, there's no obvious way
> >> to fit it into the conio-style paradigm, and tty wraps it up for
> >> you.
> > 
> > I'd think cbreak mode basically consists of calling getche() all the
> > time. What's the difference, other than that?
> No, raw/cbreak/cooked is entirely orthogonal to echo/noecho.

I am not talking about echo/noecho, I just thought by cbreak you meant
cbreak+echo. The point is both getch and getche are inherently cbreak.
But it sounds like you're actually talking about not disabling signals.
I actually don't think getch should disable signals, or it should be an
option passed to it. It was actually implementation-dependent on DOS.
(and it doesn't disable control-break on windows, only control-C) But in
both cases you're reading a single character immediately, there's no
reason to have a persistent "mode" that alters the behavior of os.read.
You're already looking at a kernel context switch on every keystroke, so
switching the terminal mode on every call isn't a huge cost on top of

> For example,
> in raw mode, ^C is just a character; in cbreak mode, as in cooked mode,
> it's a signal. Cbreak basically means to turn off line discipline, but
> leave on everything else.
> > Windows acts weird if you mix line buffering and getch, by the way,
> This is a big part of the reason I decided to require enable/disable
> pairs and just say that normal stdin/out is illegal (but not necessarily
> checked) inside an enable and consoleio illegal outside of one.

I don't think that was really necessary. And I think it's contributed to
your thinking in terms of "taking over the screen", thinking that if we
add gotoxy you will have to add that to your enable function and it will
happen to people who don't want it.

> Read the source to curses. It consists of doing a bunch of additional
> termios stuff you don't need for raw mode, doing various bizarre
> workarounds for different platforms, setting env variables to interact
> with a variety of different terminal emulators, sending a variety of
> escape sequences to control things like soft labels and take over
> scrolling and scrollback on terminals that support it, etc. There's a
> reason lib_newterm.c is 352 lines long.

And my whole point is NOT DOING those things. None of those are required
to clear the screen and go to a coordinate point on 99.999% of
terminals; all you have to do is send two escape sequences. In most of
the remaining .001%, all you have to do is send another escape sequence
beforehand. You don't even have to turn off cooked mode. People put this
stuff in their prompts.

A lot of curses is also geared to performance, making sure you have the
shortest possible byte sequence for a screen update, especially on
that don't support region scrolling.

> But I've repeatedly said that if you want full-screen graphics, you _do_
> want to use curses, rather than try to reproduce decades worth of
> development and debugging to get it to work on a wide variety of
> platforms, handle features you haven't thought of, etc.

That's cargo-cult thinking. Soft labels? When have you ever used
a terminal with them? When have you ever heard of an app that sets them?
And you just listed it off like something naturally no-one could do

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