[Python-ideas] Add 'interleave' function to itertools?

Vito De Tullio vito.detullio at gmail.com
Wed Aug 7 21:19:19 CEST 2013

MRAB wrote:

> def interleave(*iterables):
>      """Return a interleave object whose .__next__() method returns an
>      element from each iterable argument in turn.  The .__next__()
>      method continues until the shortest iterable in the argument
>      sequence is exhausted and then it raises StopIteration.
>      """
>      sources = [iter(iterable) for iterable in iterables]
>      try:
>          while True:
>              for iterable in sources:
>                  yield next(iterable)
>      except StopIteration:
>          pass

isn't something like

    def interleave(*iterables):
        for zipped_iterables in zip(*iterables):
           yield from zipped_iterables


(and the same for interleave_longest / zip_longest)

By ZeD

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