[Python-ideas] Add 'interleave' function to itertools?

Clay Sweetser clay.sweetser at gmail.com
Thu Aug 8 14:44:41 CEST 2013

Serhiy Storchaka <storchaka at gmail.com> wrote:
>08.08.13 07:01, Stefan Behnel написав(ла):
>> MRAB, 07.08.2013 22:12:
>>> And are these functions worthy of inclusion in itertools? :-)
>> The fact that they are a short construction of the existing tools
>> that they are better suited for the recipes section than the
>> functions section of the module docs. There is already a roundrobin()
>I think this reason is applicable to the first_true()/coalesce() 
>function (issue18652).
Not necessarily... The one line solution that the function in issue 18652 proposes is not one that people might immediately come up with, or solve quite so elegantly. Not that I'm totally against it just being added to the recipes section, but I feel that the recipes section is too often overlooked to be much help (Might there be a way to remedy that?).
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