[Python-ideas] Deprecating rarely used str methods

David Mertz mertz at gnosis.cx
Fri Aug 9 19:47:42 CEST 2013

I'm old enough to also want the function keys on the left, "As God
intended!" (I miss how quick those WordPerfect 4.2 shortcuts were with the
F keys next to the correctly-placed Control and Alt keys).

On Fri, Aug 9, 2013 at 3:52 AM, Greg Ewing <greg.ewing at canterbury.ac.nz>wrote:

> M.-A. Lemburg wrote:
>> Instead of deprecating this piece of history, perhaps we should start
>> deprecating the caps lock key ;-) ... just think of what would give
>> us: no more accidental yelling on the Internet, confused Nigerian
>> spammers, fewer problems with password entries, just to name
>> a few things.
> And it would give us room to put the control key
> back where it belongs!
> +1
> --
> Greg
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Keeping medicines from the bloodstreams of the sick; food
from the bellies of the hungry; books from the hands of the
uneducated; technology from the underdeveloped; and putting
advocates of freedom in prisons.  Intellectual property is
to the 21st century what the slave trade was to the 16th.
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