[Python-ideas] Deprecating rarely used str methods

Mathias Panzenböck grosser.meister.morti at gmx.net
Fri Aug 9 21:43:37 CEST 2013

On 08/09/2013 10:10 AM, Antoine Pitrou wrote:
> Le Thu, 08 Aug 2013 21:32:16 +0300,
> Serhiy Storchaka <storchaka at gmail.com> a
> écrit :
>> The str class have some very rarely used methods. When was the last
>> time you used swapcase() (not counting the time of apprenticeship)?
>> These methods take place in a source code, documentation and a memory
>> of developers. Due to the large number of methods, some of the really
>> necessary methods can be neglected. I propose to deprecate rarely
>> used methods (especially that for most of them there is another, more
>> obvious way) and remove them in 4.0.
>> s.ljust(width) == '{:<{}}'.format(s, width) == '%-*s' % (width, s)
>> s.ljust(width, fillchar) == '{:{}<{}}'.format(s, fillchar, width)
>> s.rjust(width) == '{:>{}}'.format(s, width) == '%*s' % (width, s)
>> s.rjust(width, fillchar) == '{:{}>{}}'.format(s, fillchar, width)
>> s.center(width) == '{:^{}}'.format(s, width)
>> s.center(width, fillchar) == '{:{}^{}}'.format(s, fillchar, width)
> -1 for deprecating those 3, they are much more readable than the format
> equivalent (seriously, those smiley-like format specs are horrible...).

You can write ljust/rjust like this:
ljust: s+" "*(width-len(s))
rjust: " "*(width-len(s))+s

Is this more readable or less?

I'm 0 on this.

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