[Python-ideas] Contributions to official documentation versus contributions to wiki

Stephen J. Turnbull stephen at xemacs.org
Mon Aug 12 05:14:46 CEST 2013

Ben Finney writes:

 > The contributor agreement grants to PSF the unilateral power to
 > redistribute the contribution under “any other open source license
 > approved by [the PSF]”, a power not granted to other recipients of
 > the contribution.

"The gentleman turns out to lack a full understanding of the issues."

It is *not* the CA that grants that power; it is the license (AFL or
Apache).  Anybody receiving a distribution under those licenses can
change the license terms.  If you don't like that, don't grant those
licenses.  Not to the PSF, and not to anybody else.  The CA is moot.

Under the current Python license, the same power of redistribution is
granted to Python's downstream, so there's nothing special about the
power mentioned in the CA itself.

'Nuff said.  Reply-To set to me; please observe.

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