[Python-ideas] Yet another sum function (fractions.sum)
Peter Otten
__peter__ at web.de
Wed Aug 21 08:25:04 CEST 2013
Oscar Benjamin wrote:
> On 19 August 2013 11:09, Peter Otten
> <__peter__ at web.de> wrote:
>> sum(items, 0.0) would then automatically profit from the clever
>> optimizations of math.fsum() etc.
> fsum() is about controlling accumulated rounding errors rather than
> optimisation (although it may be faster I've never needed to check).
Is I understand it, you can "optimize" for precision, memory usage, code
simplicity -- not just speed.
> I'd rather write
> sum(items, Fraction)
> than
> sum(items, Fraction(0))
> and either way it's so close to
> Fraction.sum(items)
> I understand what you mean about having a single function that does a
> good job for all types and it goes into a much broader set of issues
> around how Python handles different numeric types. It would be
> possible in a backward compatible way provided Fraction.__sum__ falls
> back on sum when it finds a non-Rational.
> There are lots of other areas in the stdlib where a similar sort of
> thinking could apply e.g.:
>>>> import math
>>>> from decimal import Decimal as D
>>>> from fractions import Fraction as F
> There's currently no fsum equivalent for Decimals even though a pure
> Python implementation could have reasonable performance:
>>>> math.fsum([0.1, 0.2, 0.3]) == 0.6
> True
>>>> math.fsum([D('0.1'), D('0.2'), D('0.3')]) == D('0.6')
> False
>>>> D(math.fsum([D('0.1'), D('0.2'), D('0.3')])) == D('0.6')
> False
> sum() would do better in the above but then it fails in other situations:
>>>> sum([D('1e50'), D('1'), D('-1e50')]) == 1
> False
>>>> math.fsum([D('1e50'), D('1'), D('-1e50')]) == 1
> True
> The math module rounds everything to float losing precision even if
> better routines are available:
>>>> math.sqrt(D('0.02'))
> 0.1414213562373095
>>>> D('0.02').sqrt()
> Decimal('0.1414213562373095048801688724')
>>>> math.exp(D(1))
> 2.718281828459045
>>>> D(1).exp()
> Decimal('2.718281828459045235360287471')
> There's also no support for computing the other transcendental
> functions with Decimals e.g. sin, cos etc. without rounding to float.
> The math module also fails to find exact results when possible:
>>>> a = 10 ** 20 + 1
>>>> a
> 100000000000000000001
>>>> math.sqrt(a**2) == a
> False
>>>> b = F(2, 3)
>>>> math.sqrt(b ** 2) == b
> False
> These ones could just get fixed in the Fractions module:
>>>> F(4, 9) ** F(1, 2)
> 0.6666666666666666
>>>> F(2, 3) ** 2
> Fraction(4, 9)
>>>> a
> 100000000000000000001
>>>> (a ** 2) ** F(1, 2) == a
> False
> Do you think that any of these things should also be changed so that
> there can be e.g. one sqrt() function that does the right thing for
> all types?
At the time I only thought about sum(), but yes, for every operation that
has one "best" implementation per class there should be a uniform way to
make these implementations available.
> One way to unify these things is with a load of new dunder
> methods so that each type can implement its own response to the
> standard function. Another is to have special modules that deal with
> different things and e.g. a function for summing Rationals and another
> for summing inexact types and so on.
> Another possibility is that you have decimal functions in the decimal
> module and fraction functions in the fractions module and so on and
> don't use any duck-typing (except in coercion). That may seem strange
> for Python but it's worth remembering that most of the best numerical
> code that has ever been written was written in languages that
> *require* you to write separate code for each numeric type and don't
> give any syntactic support for working with non-native types.
Classmethods would be yet another option
don't look bad, though I'm not sure what the right approach for int.sqrt()
would be...
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