[Python-ideas] Move more parts of interpreter core to stdlib

Antoine Pitrou solipsis at pitrou.net
Mon Aug 26 19:55:55 CEST 2013

On Mon, 26 Aug 2013 16:36:53 +0200
Draic Kin <drekin at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello, it would be nice if reference pure Python implementation existed for
> more parts of interpreter core and the core actually used them. This was
> done for import machinery in Python 3.3 making importlib library.
> One potential target for this would be moving the logic of what python.exe
> does – parsing its arguments, finding the script to run, compiling its code
> and running as __main__ module, running REPL if it's in interactive mode
> afterwards. There could be a stdlib module exposing this logic, using
> argparse to parse the arguments, overhauled version of runpy to run the
> __main__ module and overhauled version of code to run the REPL. Python.exe
> would be just thin wrapper which bootstraps the interpreter and runs this
> runner module.

The interpreter needs a lot of information to be bootstrapped; you are
proposing that the code which extracts that information be run *after*
the interpreter is bootstrapped, which creates a nasty temporal problem.

In the end, it may make maintenance *more* difficult, rather than less,
to rewrite that code in Python.



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