[Python-ideas] check interfaces, isducktype(X, A)

Gregory Salvan apieum at gmail.com
Tue Dec 3 02:21:15 CET 2013

Not really (only with FooReader, BarReader) as it checks if functions
co_argcount and co_kwonlyargcount are equals.
In this case it requires BazReader.__ducktypecheck__ to be implemented.

I had a doubt when doing this, I agree with you isducktype(BazReader,
FooReader) can return True (whereas  isducktype(FooReader, BazReader)
should stay false)
This can easily be changed.

The fact there is a lot of interface implementations means certainly it's
something needed.
Each implementation I've seen add burden on objects whereas the only thing
personnally I need, is to be sure I'll be able to call some methods off
injected objects.

Names can easily be checked, but I can't see why doing this, it add
constraints to developpers without adding safety.

@Andrew +1
Maybe inspect is more appropriate as it provides ArgSpec and getmembers ?

My code is crappy, I've just do it like that to train me in C then tought
it might be interesting to get feedback.

2013/12/2 Serhiy Storchaka <storchaka at gmail.com>

> 02.12.13 17:55, Gregory Salvan написав(ла):
>  Hi,
>> I've made a try of a function that check object/class members for duck
>> typing.
>> For now I've basically called it isducktype(X, A)
>> it returns true if:
>> - X has all attributes of A
>> - X methods have same number of arguments than corresponding A methods
>> or if A.__ducktypecheck__(X) returns True
>> Behaviour looks like isinstance and issubclass (support tuples...).
> class FooReader:
>     def read(self, n=None): ...
> class BarReader:
>     def read(self, amount=-1): ...
> class BazReader:
>     def read(self, size=-1, chars=-1, firstline=False): ...
> Instances of all three classes can be used where needed an object with the
> read() method which are called with one positional argument or without
> arguments. Is it possible to use isducktype() for such case?
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