[Python-ideas] Automagically set logger name

Tin Tvrtković tinchester at gmail.com
Tue Dec 10 19:29:57 CET 2013


usually logger instances are retrieved and initialized with the module
name, using the well-known pattern:

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

In Java's very popular log4j library (which is cited as an influence by PEP
282), loggers are usually retrieved and initialized in basically an
identical way:

private final static Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(<name-of-class>.class);

However, in the upcoming log4j 2 library, a new way is available:

private final static Logger LOG = LogManager.getLogger(); // Returns a
Logger with the name of the calling class. [1]

Basically the method throws an exception, catches it and fishes out the
class name from the stack trace. This is a little less explicit, but
still a more convenient (and less annoying) way of accomplishing an
extremely common pattern.

I was wondering what the core devs make of it:

   - is it a good idea? (In general, and in Python) Is it worth it?
   - is it feasible in Python? (taking into account other implementations
   - are there any gotchas that would make it worse than the current

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