[Python-ideas] PEP draft - Composable futures for reactive programming

Ben Darnell ben at bendarnell.com
Sun Dec 22 02:37:26 CET 2013

On Sat, Dec 21, 2013 at 7:26 PM, Guido van Rossum <guido at python.org> wrote:

> On Sat, Dec 21, 2013 at 2:48 PM, Sergii Mikhtoniuk <mikhtonyuk at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>  > Indeed there is a lot of overlap between asyncio and concurrent.futures
> > packages, so it would be very interesting to hear your overall thoughts
> on
> > role/future of concurrent package. Do you consider it rudimentary and
> > replaceable by asyncio.Future completely?
> They don't really compare. concurrent.futures is about *threads*.
> asyncio.Future is about *avoiding* threads in favor of more
> lightweight "tasks" and "coroutines", which in turn are built on top
> of lower-level callbacks.

concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor is about threads; the Future class
itself is broader.  When I integrated Futures into Tornado I used
concurrent.futures.Future directly (when available).  asyncio.Future is
just an optimized version of c.f.Future (the optimization comes from
assuming single-threaded usage).  There should at least be a common ABC
between them.

> (While I want to get away from callbacks as a programming paradigm,
> asyncio uses them at the lower levels both because they are a logical
> low-level building block and for interoperability with other
> frameworks like Tornado and Twisted.)
> > I think the question is even not much about which is your preferred
> > implementation, but rather do we want having futures as stand-alone
> package
> > or not. Do you see all these implementations converging in future?
> I see them as not even competing. They use different paradigms and
> apply to different use cases.
> > To me Future is a very simple and self-contained primitive, independent
> of
> > thread pools, processes, IO, and networking.
> (Agreed on the I/O and networking part only.)
> > One thing concurrent.futures
> > package does a very good job at is defining an isolated namespace for
> > futures, stressing out this clear boundary (let’s disregard here
> > ThreadPoolExecutor and ProcessPoolExecutor classes which for some reason
> > ended up in it too).
> Actually the executor API is an important and integral part of that
> package, and threads underlie everything you can do with its Futures.
> > So when I think of schedulers and event loops implementations I see them
> as
> > ones that build on top of the Future primitive, not providing it as part
> of
> > their implementation. What I think is important is that having unified
> > Future class simplifies interoperability between different kinds of
> > schedulers, not necessarily associated with asyncio event loops (process
> > pools for example).
> The interoperability is completely missing. I can't tell if you've
> used asyncio at all, but the important operation of *waiting* for a
> result is fundamentally different there than in concurrent.futures. In
> the latter, you just write "x = f.result()" and your thread blocks
> until the result is available. In asyncio, you have to write "x =
> yield from f.result()" which is a coroutine block that lets other
> tasks run in the same thread. ("yield from" in this case is how Python
> spells the operation that C# calls "await").

The way I see it, the fundamental operation on Futures is
add_done_callback.  We then have various higher-level operations that let
us get away from using callbacks directly.  One of these happens to be a
method on Future: the blocking mode of Future.result().  Another is
implemented in asyncio and Tornado, in the ability to "yield" a Future.
 The blocking mode of result() is just a convenience; if asyncio-style
futures had existed first then we could instead have a function like "x =
concurrent.futures.wait_for(f)".  In fact, you could write this wait_for
function today in a way that works for both concurrent and asyncio futures.

This is already interoperable:  Tornado's Resolver interface (
returns a Future, which may be generated by a ThreadPoolExecutor or an
asynchronous wrapper around pycares or twisted.  In the other direction
I've worked on hybrid apps that have one Tornado thread alongside a bunch
of Django threads; in these apps it would work to have a Django thread
block on f.result() for a Future returned by Tornado's AsyncHTTPClient.


> > Futures are definitely not the final solution for concurrency problem but
> > rather a well-established utility for representing async operations. It
> is a
> > job of higher layer systems to provide more convenient ways for dealing
> with
> > asyncs (yield from coroutines, async/await rewrites etc.),
> But unless you are proposing some kind of radical change to add
> compile-time type checking/inference to Python, the rewrite option is
> unavailable in Python.
> > so I would not
> > say that futures encourage callback-style programming,
> The concurrent.futures.Future class does not. But unless I misread
> your proposal, your extensions do.
> > it’s simply a
> > lower-layer functionality. On the contrary, monadic
> (Say that word one more time and everyone tunes out. :-)
> > methods for futures
> > composition (e.g. map(), all(), first() etc.) ensure that no errors
> would be
> > lost in the process, so I think they would complement yield from model
> quite
> > nicely by hiding complexity of state maintenance from user and reducing
> the
> > number of back-and-forth communications between event loop and
> coroutines.
> I'm not sure I follow. Again, I'm not sure if you've actually written
> any code using asyncio.
> TBH I've written a fair number of example programs for asyncio and
> I've very rarely felt the need for these composition functions. The
> main composition primitive I tend to use is "yield from".
> > Besides Futures, reactive programming
> What *is* reactive programming? If you're talking about
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reactive_programming,
> I'm not sure that it maps well to Python.
> > has more utilities to offer, such as
> > Observables (representing asynchronous streams of values). It is also a
> very
> > useful abstraction with a rich set of composition strategies (merging,
> > concatenation, grouping), and may deserve its place in separate package.
> It all sounds very abstract and academic. :-)
> > Hope to hear back from you to get better picture on overall design
> direction
> > here before jumping to implementation details.
> >
> > Brief follow-up to your questions:
> >  - Idea behind the Future/Promise separation is to draw a clean line
> between
> > client-facing and scheduler-side APIs respectively. Futures should not
> > expose any completion methods, which clients should not call anyway.
> Given that Future and Promise are often used synonymously, using them
> to make this distinction sounds confusing. I agree that Futures have
> two different APIs, one for the consumer and another for the producer.
> But I'm not sure that it's necessary to separate them more strictly --
> convention seems good enough to me here. (It's the same with many
> communication primitives, like queues and even threads.)
> (The one thing that trips people up frequently is that, while
> set_result() and set_exception() are producer APIs, cancel() is a
> consumer API, and the cancellation signal travels from the consumer to
> the producer.)
> >  - Completely agree with you that Twisted-style callbacks are evil and
> it is
> > better to have single code path for getting result or raising exception
> >  - Sorry for bad grammar in the proposal, it’s an early draft written in
> 3
> > AM, so I will definitely improve on it if we decide to move forward.
> No problem!
> > Thanks,
> > Sergii
> --
> --Guido van Rossum (python.org/~guido)
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