[Python-ideas] textwrap.TextWrapper width=None (or Inf)

Matej Cepl mcepl at redhat.com
Thu Dec 26 23:17:34 CET 2013


I wonder why nobody asked on bugs.python.org for rather obvious 
functionality of being able to reflow a paragraph to one line?  
Meaning, that any paragraph would be stripped of all whitespace 
(etc. ... whatever is configured by the additional parameters of 
the TextWrapper class) and then joined into long line. I know 

does something similar, but

    a) it doesn't handle all whitespace munging,
    b) it just seems like an obvious functionality for 
    TextWrapper to have.

Any thoughts on it? Should I just file a bug?



http://www.ceplovi.cz/matej/, Jabber: mcepl<at>ceplovi.cz
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