[Python-ideas] Determine Windows version in platform module

Giampaolo Rodola' g.rodola at gmail.com
Sat Dec 28 17:12:57 CET 2013

> Meanwhile, Microsoft's suggested solution is that you not check for
> version numbers at runtime, but instead check for features. And there are
> good reasons for that--for example, XPSP3 N has exactly the same version
> numbers as XPSP3 normal, but if you try to use the new Windows Media APIs,
> you'll crash.

Mmm. What's weird is that if you use MSDN as a reference every Windows API
has a "minimum supported client" section near the bottom of the page.
See for example:
To me that suggests that (most of the times at least) you are encouraged to
use the windows version to decide whether to support a feature or not.

--- Giampaolo
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