[Python-ideas] OrderedDict for kwargs and class statement namespace

Jan Kaliszewski zuo at chopin.edu.pl
Thu Feb 28 23:51:21 CET 2013

28.02.2013 11:15, Eric Snow wrote:

> * have the **kwargs param be an OrderedDict rather than a dict
> * have class definitions happen relative to an OrderedDict by
> default rather than a dict, and still overridable by a metaclass's
> __prepare__().

While having class namespace ordered sounds very nice, ordered **kwargs 
sometimes may not be a desirable feature -- especially when you want to 
keep a cooperatively used interface as simple as possible (because of 
the risk that keyword argument order could then be taken into 
consideration by *some* actors while others would still operate with the 
assumption that argument order cannot be known...).

> Both of these will need OrderedDict in C, which is getting close
> (issue #16991).

Ad issue #16991: will the present semantics of inheriting from 
OrderedDict be kept untouched? (I mean: which methods call other methods 
=> which methods you need to override etc.)

If not we'll have a backward compatibility issue (maybe not very 
serious but still...).


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