[Python-ideas] Documenting Python warts on Stack Overflow

Steven D'Aprano steve at pearwood.info
Wed Jan 2 03:00:49 CET 2013

On 02/01/13 10:46, Chris Angelico wrote:

> PHP's scoping rules are simpler than Python's. A variable inside a
> function is local unless it's explicitly declared global; function
> names are global. (That's not the whole set of rules, but close enough
> for this argument.) Python, on the other hand, adds the oddity that a
> name referenced inside a function is global unless, somewhere in that
> function, it's assigned to.

As given, comparing only treatment of locals and globals, I don't agree
that this makes PHP's scoping rules simpler.

   if the name refers to a function:
     - the name is always global;
     - the name is local unless explicitly declared global.

   if the name is declared global:
     - the name is always global;
     - the name is global unless implicitly declared local.

(Implicitly local means "the name is bound to somewhere in the body of the

Of course, in reality Python includes further complexity: closures and
nonlocal, neither of which are available in PHP due to the lack of
local functions:


PHP is simpler because it does less.


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