[Python-ideas] Documenting Python warts

Antoine Pitrou solipsis at pitrou.net
Wed Jan 2 08:35:02 CET 2013

On Wed, 2 Jan 2013 03:49:16 +0400
Oleg Broytman <phd at phdru.name> wrote:
> > 
> > The problem is you are listing examples which *in your opinion* are
> > issues with Python. Other people would have different ideas of what is
> > an issue and what is not. This can't be the right methodology if we
> > want to write a piece of Python docs.
>    Absolutely not. I collected the list of examples in reply to a
> question "what are warts and why one cannot just document solutions?" I
> hope I managed to show that warts are built (or unbuilt, so to say) so
> deep in Python and the stdlib design it's impossible to fix them with
> code or documentation.

Now please stop FUDding. It is outrageous to claim that missing
features are "impossible to fix with code or documentation".

If you come with a reasonable syntax for anonymous code blocks (and
have a patch to back that up), I'm sure they would be accepted. If you
can't or don't want to, then you can't accuse our community of being
biased against anonymous code blocks.



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