[Python-ideas] csv.DictReader could handle headers more intelligently.

Mark Hackett mark.hackett at metoffice.gov.uk
Thu Jan 24 11:41:41 CET 2013

On Wednesday 23 Jan 2013, J. Cliff Dyer wrote:
> Moreover, I think while it might be expected for a dict to do this, it
> does not follow that a DictReader should be expected to silently throw
> away the user's data.
> Cheers,
> Cliff

Cliff, the name of the routine is "DictReader".

It is a very big hint.

Like I said, the situation here is putting formatting expectations on the file 
being read in.

It's pretty identical with sockets or threading libraries in python. If you 
want a specific action done that isn't "normal" for just "make one of them", 
you put policy on it as a decoration. But if you wanted some specific action 
and don't use the decorator to do so, you don't get an error, you get what you 
get without the decorator.

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