[Python-ideas] while conditional in list comprehension ??

Shane Green shane at umbrellacode.com
Wed Jan 30 03:34:24 CET 2013

Sorry, that was phrased backwards: the ease of wrapping iterators increases the viability…

Shane Green 
408-692-4666 | shane at umbrellacode.com

On Jan 29, 2013, at 6:31 PM, Shane Green <shane at umbrellacode.com> wrote:

> Although it's not always viable, given how easy it is to wrap an iterator, it seems like might come in handy for comprehensions.  
> 	[x for x in items if x < 50 or items.close()]
> Shane Green 
> www.umbrellacode.com
> 408-692-4666 | shane at umbrellacode.com

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