[Python-ideas] Is this PEP-able? for X in ListY while conditionZ:

SpaghettiToastBook . spaghettitoastbook at gmail.com
Tue Jul 2 04:53:55 CEST 2013

What if the while clause went after the rest of the comprehension,
preceded by a comma?

[f(x) for x in list, while x < 10]

— SpaghettiToastBook

On Mon, Jul 1, 2013 at 10:28 PM, Daniel Robinson <gottagetmac at gmail.com> wrote:
> While this looks attractive to me, and it's definitely better to change
> statement and comprehension syntax at the same time, this makes the
> comprehension ambiguous to human parsing.
> [f(x) for x in list if x > 10] basically can be read as
> for x in list:
>     if x > 10:
>         f(x)
> This kind of interpretation becomes critical if you nest more than two
> levels. But [f(x) for x in list while x < 10] could read either as
> for x in list while x < 10:
>     f(x)
> which is how you want it to be read, or (more in line with earlier list comp
> habits):
> for x in list:
>     while x < 10:
>         f(x)
> which would be totally wrong.
> I don't think this is a very serious problem (certainly not for the
> interpreter), but it's a stumbling block.
> On Mon, Jul 1, 2013 at 10:03 PM, Jan Kaliszewski <zuo at chopin.edu.pl> wrote:
>> 2013-07-02 00:44, Oscar Benjamin wrote:
>> [...]
>>> Having a while clause on for loops is not just good because it saves a
>>> couple of lines but because it clearly separates the flow control from
>>> the body of the loop (another reason I dislike 'break if'). In other
>>> words I find the flow of the loop
>>>     for p in primes() while p < 100:
>>>         print(p)
>>> easier to understand (immediately) than
>>>     for p in primes():
>>>         if p >= 100:
>>>             break
>>>         print(p)
>> +1
>> Cheers.
>> *j
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