[Python-ideas] Fwd: float('∞')=float('inf')

Gerald Britton gerald.britton at gmail.com
Fri Jul 12 18:06:47 CEST 2013

This is a little off-topic. Can anyone tell me why we support numerals
in other alphabets but apparently not Greek?

On Fri, Jul 12, 2013 at 11:29 AM, Joshua Landau <joshua at landau.ws> wrote:
> On 12 July 2013 16:14, Gerald Britton <gerald.britton at gmail.com> wrote:
>> "Just because."
>> so, maybe we should have the interpreter spit out ∞ instead?
> I don't know whether this was a joke, but just as int("߅") spits out 5
> and not ߅, there is no reason that float("inf") should split out
> anything other than "inf".
>> I get that we special case infinity.  Its an IEEE thing.  I can sure
>> the next request coming:  The various constants represented by unicode
>> characters.
> I don't see how one leads to the next. None thinks that that's a good
> idea. This is a *very* restricted change that fits with what we have
> already done.
> I don't get the hostility to it. I do get the objections that this
> isn't needed or that float() has a more restricted scope but this
> overt dislike to this extent surprises me. This is *minor* extension
> of the leniency there already is. I'm approximately neutral on the issue,
> but I'm definitely not as negative as a lot of the reviews it's
> getting.

Gerald Britton

Gerald Britton

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