[Python-ideas] Fast sum() for non-numbers

Stephen J. Turnbull stephen at xemacs.org
Tue Jul 16 08:51:48 CEST 2013

Sergey writes:

 > I don't understand it. It makes no sense to me.

Just accept that many people, *for several different reasons*, dislike
your proposal.  The technical objections are the least of those

Please just write the PEP and ask for a pronouncement.  If you don't
feel confident in your PEP-writing skills, ask for help.  (If you
don't get any, you probably should take that as "the community says

 > Do you like having many broken tools?

And please stop this.  sum() is not broken, any more than a
screwdriver is broken just because it is rather inefficient when used
to pound in nails.

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