[Python-ideas] Adding __getter__ to compliment __iter__.

Ron Adam ron3200 at gmail.com
Sun Jul 21 06:04:40 CEST 2013

On 07/20/2013 07:47 PM, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
> On 21/07/13 07:17, Ron Adam wrote:
>> On 07/19/2013 12:32 PM, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
>>> On 20/07/13 01:58, Ron Adam wrote:
>>>> Could we have syntax for generators to bypass the method calls?
>>>>      x = gen[]                 # next
>>> Please no.
>>> What's so special about generators that they should have magic syntax for
>>> bypassing methods?
>> Generators are quite special.  Because they suspend and resume, and the
>> values that are passed on each yield are limited to a single object in
>> followed by a single object out.
> I know what generators do. I asked, what is so special that they need
> *syntax for bypassing methods*. That's the part that you didn't answer.
> Your syntax suggestion doesn't change either the fact that they suspend and
> resume, or that the values passed are limited to a single object. We
> already have an idiom for passing multiple objects at a time: the tuple.

Unfortanantly I don't think we can generate the specific bytecode change I 
suggested without also adding new syntax.  (Does that help?)

>>> Good uses for syntax include doing things that you can't
>>> otherwise do, not as a mere alias for a method.
>> This is what I was trying to convey.
> But your proposal is exactly that, a mere alias. It doesn't add any new
> functionality. It doesn't let you do anything that can't already be done.
> That's my point. Instead of things that read like Python code and that you
> can easily look up in the docs:

Correct it doesn't add functionality, it adds a way to accomplish that same 
functionality in a more efficient way.

> next(gen)
> gen.send(x)
> you have these mysterious syntax, one of which looks like a key/item lookup
> missing an argument, and one of which just looks like a key/item lookup:
> gen[]
> gen[x]

You seem to be stuck on this point.  The exact syntax isn't important.  You 
are clearly -1 on this particular spelling.  That's fine.

This was just a side comment in this thread.  The example syntax wasn't 
important.  If there was some interest in the underlying idea of producing 
more efficient byte code for generator next and send calls, then we can 
start another thread about it.  So far there isn't any.

Maybe I'll try to implement it sometime and see how much difference it 
makes.  If it's more than a few percent, I'll come back here with the 
results.  It may not be anytime soon though.  I need to refresh my memory 
on how to add new grammar and syntax.

> I haven't even mentioned that this proposal can't fly because the Python
> compiler cannot tell ahead of time which code is intended. You could get
> around that by changing the syntax:

Well, you just did...  ;-)

> gen!!
> gen!x!

> I'm questioning the need for this to be syntax in the first place.

It's what the syntax represents that I would like.  A bit faster generator 
suspend, resume, and value passing.  If it can be done without new syntax, 
That's even better. ;-)

The thing that got me on this is, if generators aren't faster than a class 
with method calls.  Then why do we generators?


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