[Python-ideas] Suprocess functionality partitioning

Andrew Barnert abarnert at yahoo.com
Thu Jun 13 03:56:25 CEST 2013

On Jun 12, 2013, at 12:32, anatoly techtonik <techtonik at gmail.com> wrote:

> Something needs to be done about subprocess API, which got overly complicated.
> The idea is to have:
>   shutil.run()  - run command through shell, unsafe
>   sys.run()    - run command directly in operating system, ?safe

What does "run" mean? Is it equivalent to call, check_call, check_output, or something else?

I find myself needing both check_call (to pass output straight through) and check_output (to process it) very often. I'd be happy with simplifying those. But not with simplifying one and losing the other.

Also, how often do you really need shell=True? I think providing a simpler way to do that will be more of an attractive nuisance than a help. (Many of the subprocess questions on Stack Overflow come down to people using shell=True, not knowing why they used it, and not knowing how to deal with it.)

> Both should be API compatible (unblocking stdin/stdout read etc.).

You're suggesting that these actually provide a Popen-like object that the caller then has to communicate() with or equivalent? Because that's already way more complicated than what I need for simple cases, and won't be that much simpler than just using Popen is today. Really, the only thing you can eliminate that way is the shell flag.

> Currently, subprocess calls are unreadable in any Python code - many
> conditions makes its behaviour hard to predict and memorize. By
> partitioning shell and out-of-shell execution, the documentation will be
> easier to grasp and reference to. Maybe it will be even possible to add
> some 2D table of various subprocess states that affect behavior.
> -- 
> anatoly t.
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