[Python-ideas] Is this PEP-able? for X in ListY while conditionZ:

Ron Adam ron3200 at gmail.com
Wed Jun 26 04:43:54 CEST 2013

On 06/25/2013 04:08 PM, jimjhb at aol.com wrote:
> That would bring back my previous notion of fwhile.
> fwhile X in ListY and conditionZ:
> It was pointed out that the 'and' is ambiguous (though perhaps not fatally
> problematic)
> and adding a new keyword is really bad as well.
> I guess:
> for X in ListY and conditionZ:  would just have the ambiguity.
> [Or maybe not, as long as the condition is a bool, it's not iterable and
> thus not confused with list.]

What about allowing break and continue in if/else expressions?

In a loop it might look like...

      break if n>=42 else continue

In a comprehension it would be...

    [ (x if x<10 else break) for x in range(20) ]

There has been some interest in adding 'break if condition'.  But I think 
this would be better.


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