[Python-ideas] PEP: Extended stat_result (First Draft)

MRAB python at mrabarnett.plus.com
Mon May 6 20:11:49 CEST 2013

On 06/05/2013 18:31, Pieter Nagel wrote:
> On Mon, 2013-05-06 at 17:14 +0100, MRAB wrote:
>> Some of the names seem too long for me.
> Neither my nor your naming preference is relevant here, although I
> personally prefer long names over abbreviations - the time spent writing
> code in infinitesimal compared to the time reading, debugging, extending
> and maintaining it.
> But at issue here is which names fit with Guido's vision for the stdlib.
> PEP 8 says "All identifiers in the Python standard library... SHOULD use
> English words wherever feasible (in many cases, abbreviations and
> technical terms are used which aren't English)". This is a bit
> ambiguous, but I understand the parentheses to refer to a practice that
> Guido would like to stopped, by using English words instead.
Python has a lot of abbreviations. The os.path module, for example, has
isdir, dirname and splitext.

There are also commonly-used names like len, str and int, and methods
names like lstrip, also reserved words like def and elif.

Because of all that, long names like is_character_device seem
unPythonic, IMHO.

>> Do we really need 2 names for the same thing? No.
> So you said twice, but I can not do much with any feedback if it is
> expressed as a mere assertion.
> I gave my rationale for doing so in the PEP. If you disagree, please
> give a rationale of your own.
Such aliases won't add anything to the language.

If we wanted underscores in such places as isdir, we should probably
have done it in the move from Python 2 to Python 3, along with the
renaming of modules to lowercase. Again, IMHO.

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