[Python-ideas] Let's be more orderly!

random832 at fastmail.us random832 at fastmail.us
Wed May 15 22:01:41 CEST 2013

Hang on, what?

Now, maybe that's true of your _particular_ XML spec. And this certainly
seems symptomatic of a larger problem (e.g. firing off an event as soon
as the action tag closes, rather than parsing the whole document). But
XML elements are _not_ unordered.

On Wed, May 15, 2013, at 15:35, Don Spaulding wrote:
> Twice
> now I've encountered poorly-written web services that have choked on
> something like:
> <request>
>   <action>modifyStuff</action>
>   <user>user_123456</user>
> </request>
>  ...with an error to the effect of "Cannot modifyStuff without specifying
> user credentials".  So someone else has built a system around an XML
> parser
> that doesn't know that sibling elements aren't guaranteed to appear in
> any
> particular order.

(top-posted because my reply and your message aren't guaranteed to
appear in any particular order.)

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