[Python-ideas] Custom string prefixes

Ned Batchelder ned at nedbatchelder.com
Mon May 27 18:59:40 CEST 2013

On 5/27/2013 11:51 AM, Haoyi Li wrote:
> If-if-if all that works out, you would be able to /completely remove 
> /the/(/"b" | "B" | "br" | "Br" | "bR" | "BR" | "rb" | "rB" | "Rb" | 
> "RB" | "r" | "u" | "R" | "U") from the grammar specification! Not add 
> more to it, remove it! Shifting the specification of all the different 
> string prefixes into a user-land library. I'd say that's a pretty 
> creative way of getting rid of that nasty blob of grammar =D.

In order to achieve this ideal, and assuming you'd be keeping backward 
compatibility (!), you'd have to explain how to support both of these 


Implicit in your idea is that the plain literal creates a string of some 
kind, and but the r-prefixed string would apply some user-land function 
to the string.  But there is no function you can apply to string 
literals to make them be raw.  The r prefix suppresses interpretation 
that happens in un-prefixed strings.  By the time a user-land function 
got hold of the string, the interpretation has already been done, 
information has already been lost.

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