[Python-ideas] collections.Counter multiplication

Ned Batchelder ned at nedbatchelder.com
Wed May 29 16:29:29 CEST 2013

On 5/29/2013 1:27 AM, James K wrote:
> Can we add a multiplication feature to collections.Counter, I don't 
> see why not.

James, welcome to the list.  To get an idea accepted, you have to do a 
few things:

1) Explain the idea fully.  I don't understand what "a multiplication 
feature" would do.
2) Explain why the idea is useful to enough people that it should be 
added to the standard library.

These two criteria are not easy to meet.  Sometimes an idea seems 
popular, but it turns out that different people want it to behave 
differently, or differently at different times (see the discussion about 
an itertools.chunked feature).  Sometimes an idea is straightforward 
enough to describe, but is useful to too few people to justify adding it 
to the standard library.

Discussing these things doesn't often result in a change to Python, but 
does often lead to useful discussion.


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